You can configure a standard profile for each Pimp My Log instance. A profile is stored in the config.user.json file at root. If you have done the automatic configuration at first launch, this file has been automatically created and set up for you. You can now adjust settings to fit your daily usage.

This file is not updated and is ignored when you perform a git pull so you can easily update Pimp My Log, your settings will be kept.

The file is composed by these 3 objects:

Finally, you can set some settings with environment parameters.

1 - Globals


Pimp My Log gives you the ability to automatically upgrade via the interface.


it only works for installations done via GIT and if your server is *nix


The button is available for everybody on an unsecured installation

The button is only available for admins on a secured installation


"AUTO_UPGRADE" : false


Whether Pimp My Log should check for a new available version on launch or not. You should let this value to true given that the check is done in background and only downloads a few bytes.


Turn it to false if your Pimp My Log instance is installed on an embedded device without internet connection (*box*, player, ...)




How many logs do an administrator want to display in the Manage users > History menu.


Set this to 0 to stop logging user actions




Does the EXPORT button be displayed in the interface and are feeds (RSS, ATOM, XML, JSON, ...) be available ?

Set "EXPORT" : false to disable export for all logs by default. If you want to enable the export feature for only one log, set the export (lowercase) parameter to true "export" : true in the wanted file settings.

Set "EXPORT" : true to enable export for all logs by default. If you want to disable the export feature for only one log, set the export (lowercase) parameter to false "export" : false in the wanted file settings.

Basically, the log file parameter export takes precedence on the global parameter EXPORT.


"EXPORT" : true


Tell how Pimp My Log must display the log file selector.

Values are :




This constant is the footer text in HTML.


"FOOTER" : "&copy; <a href=\"http:\/\/\" target=\"doc\">Potsky<\/a> 2013 - <a href=\"http:\/\/\" target=\"doc\">Pimp my Log<\/a>"


You can set your own URL to provide a lost password page to users who have forgotten their password.


'FORGOTTEN_YOUR_PASSWORD_URL' : 'http:\/\/\/kb\/misc\/forgotten-your-password'


This constant is used to generate links for fields with type ip (see below). The url is used and the IP address will replace all %p instance.


"GEOIP_URL" : "http:\/\/\/en\/?IP=%p"


Your Google Analytics tracking ID. If you let the default value or empty, Google Analytics will not be loaded.


Do not set a Google Analytics tracking ID if your Pimp My Log instance runs offline.




You can set a default locale for all users. By default, this value is not set and the displayed language is the user browser one.

If you set "LOCALE" : "fr_FR" for example, Pimp My Log will be in French by default whatever is the browser language for all users.

Users can personally overwrite this value with a GET parameter when launching Pimp My Log. More informations are available here.


This is the number of logs to display by default for all log files. This value is overwritten by the max value of the files object.


"LOGS_MAX" : 10


This is the frequency in seconds to refresh the logs for all log files. This value is overwritten by the refresh value of the files object. If set to 0, auto-refresh is disabled and users will have to pull to refresh, click on the refresh button or stroke the key R.




This is the maximum duration in seconds to search for logs in log files. Pimp My Log parses logs from the end to the beginning of log files and stop parsing log files when :

So the first parsing can be long and search parsing too. When this duration is reached, parsed logs are returned even if the maximum logs count is not reached.

Searching for an unexisting word in a several gigabytes log file will not retain a web server process for a long time.




This is the text displayed in the navigation bar on top left. This text is hidden on devices which have a less than 768 pixels width.


"NAV_TITLE" : ""


Whether desktop notifications are enabled or not on supported browsers for all log files. This value is overwritten by the notify value of the files object.

If set to true, desktop notifications are enabled on supported browser. On launch, users will be prompt whether they allow or not desktop notifications. The notification icon on top right is: - green when user allows - orange when user do not take a decision - red when user denies

If set to false, desktop notifications are disabled and the notification icon is grey.

If browser does not support desktop notification, the notification icon is not displayed.




The title of the desktop notification if enabled.


"NOTIFICATION_TITLE" : "New logs [%f]"

You can use this variable:


This is the url of the current version file in production. If you have installed the beta branch instead of the master one, install this constant and replace word demo by beta in the url. Pimp my Log will then check for beta upgrades instead of production upgrades.


"PIMPMYLOG_VERSION_URL" : "http:\/\/\/version.js"

To track beta versions:

"PIMPMYLOG_VERSION_URL" : "http:\/\/\/version.js"


This constant is used to generate links for fields with type port (see below). The url is used and the TCP/UDP port will replace all %p instance.


"PORT_URL" : "http:\/\/\/tcp-udp-port-finder\/%p"


Whether a pull to refresh system is loaded or not to refresh logs. You can disable this feature if your browser always refresh logs as soon as you scroll in the window.




How do you want to sort log files in the file selector on top keft ?

Possible values are :


"SORT_LOG_FILES" : "default"


Whether a log files count should be display next to each tag name.




Where are untagged files displayed ? On top of the tag list or on bottom ?




How to sort tags in the tag list?

Possible values are :


"TAG_SORT_TAG" : "display-asc"


The HTML title of the Pimp My Log page when no file is loaded.


"TITLE" : "Pimp my Log"


The HTML title of the Pimp My Log page when a file is loaded


"TITLE_FILE" : "Pimp my Log [%n]"

You can use these variables:


You can split your files configuration file in several parts. config.user.json is mandatory and you can add files parts in several files in a folder. By default, this folder is named config.user.d and is next to config.user.json file. But you can change the location. Changing this folder is useful if you have several Pimp my Log instances on the same server and want to share some configurations.

All files are recursively parsed in this folder and in its all sub-folders.

Only files with json extension are parsed.

Here is config.user.d/httpd.json for example :

    "apache1" : {
        "display"   : "Apache Error #1",
        "path"      : "\/var\/log\/apache2\/error.log",
        "refresh"   : 5,
        "max"       : 10,
        "export"    : true,
        "notify"    : true,
        "tags"    : [ "Apache" , "Error" ],
        "multiline" : "",
        "format"    : {
            "export_title" : "Log",
            "type"         : "HTTPD 2.2",
            "regex"        : "|^\\[(.*)\\] \\[(.*)\\] (\\[client (.*)\\] )*((?!\\[client ).*)(, referer: (.*))*$|U",
            "match"        : {
                "Date"     : 1,
                "IP"       : 4,
                "Log"      : 5,
                "Severity" : 2,
                "Referer"  : 7
            "types" : {
                "Date"     : "date:H:i:s",
                "IP"       : "ip:http",
                "Log"      : "pre",
                "Severity" : "badge:severity",
                "Referer"  : "link"
            "exclude" : {
                "Log": ["\/PHP Stack trace:\/", "\/PHP *[0-9]*\\. \/"]


This folder, its sub-folders and inner files have to be readable and crossable by the webserver user.

No warning is thrown if the webserver user cannot have access to a file or a folder.


"USER_CONFIGURATION_DIR" : "config.user.d"


You can easily change all time values of log files. By default, all time values are displayed as they are stored in log files, assuming they correspond to the server timezone. The server timezone is normally set in the php.ini configuration file on the server running your Pimp My Log instance. If all Pimp My Log users are in an other timezone, you can set this value to shift all time values in their time zone.

Each user can shift its timezone by setting a GET parameter.


"USER_TIME_ZONE" : "Europe\/Paris"

2 - Badges

The badges object defines which CSS class should be used when applying the type badges on a log token (types are explained below). This CSS is applied on a bootstrap label object.

"badges": {
        "severity": {
                "debug" : "success",
                "info" : "success",
                "notice" : "",
                "warn" : "warning",
                "error" : "danger",
                "crit" : "danger",
                "alert" : "danger",
                "emerg" : "danger"
        "http": {
                "1" : "info",
                "2" : "success",
                "3" : "default",
                "4" : "warning",
                "5" : "danger"

3 - Files

The file object is the main item in the configuration file and it defines:

3.1 - Files structure

The files object is a dictionary of files (a file object). The key fileid is not really important (eg: apacheaccess, nginx, ...).

"files": {
    "apacheaccess": {
    "nginx": {


The first file defined in this object will be the selected file when Pimp My Log is loaded.

3.1.1 - File structure

The file object structure is something like this:

"display"   : "Apache Error #1",
"path"      : "\/opt\/local\/apache2\/logs\/error_log",
"refresh"   : 5,
"max"       : 10,
"notify"    : true,
"tags"      : [ "Apache" , "Error" ],
"export"    : true,
"multiline" : "",
"order"     : -1,
"sort"      : "Log",
"thinit"    : [ "IP" , "Log" , "Severity" ],
"format"    : {
    "multiline"    : "Log",
    "export_title" : "Log",
    "regex"        : "|^\\[(.*)\\] \\[(.*)\\] (\\[client (.*)\\] )*((?!\\[client ).*)(, referer: (.*))*$|U",
    "match"        : {
        "Date"     : 1,
        "IP"       : 4,
        "Log"      : 5,
        "Severity" : 2,
        "Referer"  : 7
    "types" : {
        "Date"     : "date:H:i:s",
        "IP"       : "ip:http",
        "Log"      : "pre",
        "Severity" : "badge:severity",
        "Referer"  : "link"
    "exclude" : {
            "Log" : ["\/PHP Stack trace:\/", "\/PHP *[0-9]*\\. \/"]

3.1.2 - Keys

count [optional]

Specify the number of most recent files to display when path is a glob pattern. See paragraph path below to learn how to use it.

If not specified, if less than 1 or if malformed, its default value is 1.


This string is the name displayed in the Pimp My Log interface in the file selector on top left.


"display" : "Apache Error #1"


This boolean let you choose to enable the export for this log file only or not. This parameter takes precedence on the global parameter EXPORT.


"export" : true


This string is the full path of the log file on the server.


"path" : "\/opt\/local\/apache2\/logs\/error_log"

You can use a glob pattern to match several types. eg:

"path"  : "\/opt\/local\/apache2\/logs\/error-2014*_log",
"count" : 2

It will return a list, updated at each launch with the 2 most recent files which look like error-2014*_log. The recent value uses the last modification time to sort elected files.

It count is not specified, its default value is 1.

Of course, all matching files must have the same type given that the same regex, types and matches are used.

refresh [optional]

This integer overwrite the global LOGS_REFRESH constant defined above only for the current file. This is the frequency in seconds to refresh the logs for the current file. If set to 0, auto-refresh is disabled and users will have to pull to refresh, click on the refresh button or stroke the key R.


"refresh" : 5


This integer overwrite the global LOGS_MAX constant defined above only for the current file. This is the count of displayed log lines.


"max" : 10


This boolean overwrite the global NOTIFICATION constant defined above only for the current file. If set to true, desktop notifications are enabled on supported browser. On launch, users will be prompt whether they allow or not desktop notifications.


"notify" : true

order [optional][since v1.2]

This value defines the order to sort logs. Valid values are :


"order" : -1

sort [optional][since v1.2]

This value defines the default column to use to sort logs. This is a value defined in the format key below.


Sorting is not performed on the whole file but only with the N last lines !

Sorting is case insensitive and detects numerical values.


"order" : "Log"

tags [optional][since v1.6]

A list of tags or a single tag.


"tags" : "Apache"


"tags" : ["Apache","Several","Tags"]

thinit [optional][since v1.1.1]

This value defines the default columns to display when loading the selected file. This is an array of columns defined in the format key below.


"thinit" : [ "IP" , "Log" , "Severity" ]


The format key is an JSON array which describes how a line of log text is parsed and how it is understood by Pimp My Log. This array is explained in the next following paragraph.

3.2 - Log parsing

3.2.1 regex

The regular expression is used in PHP with the preg_match function. This is a PCRE: Perl Compatible Regular Expression. The syntax is available here.

The regular expression must:

The date can be considered as a nuclear token if it respects the PHP supported date and time formats as described here. If your date format is not recognized, get the day as a token, month as a token, ... and you will see in the next paragraph how to rebuild a valid format.

I want to say by unknown formats protection that it is a good practice to think about others users who can have some variations in their logs. For example, this text is caught via these both regular expressions:

but the second one will allow logs without [client] inside. You cannot imagine all cases but obvious cases should be considered.

Write regular expressions with the debugger and then json escape them!


"regex": "|^\\[(.*)\\] \\[(.*)\\] (\\[client (.*)\\] )*((?!\\[client ).*)(, referer: (.*))*$|U"

3.2.2 match

The match object links human fields to token rank in the regular expression (back references to capturing subpatterns).

Simple link


"match": {
    "Date"        : 1,
    "IP"          : 4,
    "Log"         : 5,
    "Severity"    : 2,
    "WhatYouWant" : 3,
    "Referer"     : 7

In the example above :

Unrecognised date formats

You can deal with odd date format as in the following example by capturing :

You can also deal with these single parameters :

You can deal with odd date format as in the following example by capturing :


Letter case is very important! M is not m!


"match": {
    "Date"    : {
        "M" : 2,
        "d" : 3,
        "H" : 4,
        "i" : 5,
        "s" : 6,
        "Y" : 8
    "IP"          : 12,
    "Log"         : 14,
    "Severity"    : 10,
    "WhatYouWant" : 11,
    "Referer"     : 16,
"match": {
    "Date"    : {
        "U" : 2
    "IP"          : 12,
    "Log"         : 14,
    "Severity"    : 10,
    "WhatYouWant" : 11,
    "Referer"     : 16,

You can concatenate several tokens and strings in a single field. This is useful when you want to build a field value with several tokens which do not stand side by side in a line of log.

"match": {
    "IP"          : 12,
    "Log"         : [ ">>>" , 10 , ": " , 14 , "<<<" ],
    "Severity"    : 10,
    "WhatYouWant" : 11,
    "Referer"     : 16,

2nd column values will look like this >>>token10: token14<<<.

Concatenation fits the unknown date format perfectly. Simpl "Date" : [ 8 , '/' , 2 , '/' , 3 , ' ' , 4 , ':' , 5 , ':' 6 ],

3.2.3 types

Each log token is typed in order to be displayed with the right format and the right style.

Typing a token is easy. You just have to assign a type to a human field name. Here is an example:

"types": {
    "Date"     : "date:H:i:s",
    "IP"       : "ip:http",
    "Log"      : "pre/100",
    "Severity" : "badge:severity",
    "Referer"  : "link"

You can find all supported types in the following paragraph

3.2.4 exclude

You can exclude some logs if some regular expressions match a token value.


"exclude": {
    "Log"  : ["\/PHP Stack trace:\/", "\/PHP *[0-9]*\\. \/"],
    "Date" : ["\/2013\/"],
    "Url " : ["\/favicon.ico\/"],

In the example below, we don't want to retrieve:

3.2.5 multiline

Pimp My Log can handle log files where the last field of each line can contains the \n char. Take this example:

[27-11-2013:23:20:40 +0100] This is an error
on several lines
[27-11-2013:23:20:41 +0100] Single line is cool too

Instead of rejecting the second line, if the multiline value is not empty and if its value is a token name then all unmatched lines will be appended to the token.


"multiline": "Log"

In the example above, the first Log value will be:

Single line is cool too

then the second Log value will be:

This is an error
on several lines

3.2.6 export_title

Which field should be taken as a title when exporting to RSS and ATOM ?


"export_title": "Log"

In this example, the Log field will be used as the RSS and ATOM title in your feeds.

3.3 Types format

The type format is:

"field" : "type[:value][/cut_char_count]"



When moving your mouse on a value, a tooltip with the raw value is always displayed except for human field named Date which always displays the full log line in the tooltip.


Spaces between delimiters are not allowed!

type badge

When you specify this type, a colored label will be displayed according to the badges object as explained above. If the value is not defined as a key in the badges object, the bootstrap label-default class is applied.

type date

The value of this type is dynamic. Date format is a PHP date format and is available here.


date:Y/m/d H:i:s will produce a odd behaviour because Pimp My Log will think that you want to cut the value at d H:i:s chars... In this case, use a large amount of chars so that the value will never be cut: date:Y/m/d H:i:s/100

type ip

The IP type assumes that the value is a valid IP address.

type link

The link type simply adds a link to the value.

type numeral

Numeral uses the awesome library Numeral.js available here.

type port

The port type assumes that the value is a valid numerical TCP/UDP port.

eg: type port on value 443 will produce text 443 linked to

type pre

The pre type simply formats text with standart CSS white-space : pre;. It means that it respects spaces, tabs and line breaks;

type prefake

The prefake type is a replacement for the pre type for Firefox user who wants to copy/paste multiline logs. This is a workaround for the older bug of history ouch !

It will only simulate breaklines, not spaces.

type numeral

Numeral uses the awesome library Numeral.js available here.

type ua

Numeral uses the awesome library UAParser.js available here.



Do not put space between {}
{os.version} is correct
{ os.version} is invalid

Default type

The default type is txt and if you put an undefined type, it will be managed as txt.

The default type simply display the value without any format.

eg: txt/100, map/100, dude/100, ... will display the same thing

4 - Environment parameters

Env parameter PML_BASE_CONFIG

Pimp My Log can store configuration somewhere else the root directory.

Set the PML_BASE_CONFIG environment parameter on your system to the folder path where you want Pimp My Log to save configuration.