Version 1.5.1 released

14 November 2014

Hi folks!

This new version is a huge step with tons of new features!

Version 1.3 released

12 October 2014

Hi folks!

This new version gives you the ability to split user configuration in several files.

In the backstage, I have rewritten a lot of things for the next upcoming version 1.5. A lot of features are on the road...

There is a new USER_CONFIGURATION_DIR global configuration parameter.

You can split your files configuration file in several parts. config.user.json is mandatory and you can add files parts in several files in a folder. By default, this folder is named config.user.d and is next to config.user.json file. But you can change the location. Changing this folder is useful if you have several Pimp my Log instances on the same server and want to share some configurations.

All files are recursively parsed in this folder and in its all sub-folders.

Only files with json extension are parsed.

Here is config.user.d/httpd.json for example :

    "apache1": {
        "display" : "Apache Error #1",
        "path"    : "\/var\/log\/apache2\/error.log",
        "refresh" : 5,
        "max"     : 10,
        "notify"  : true,
        "format"  : {
            "type" : "HTTPD 2.2",
            "regex": "|^\\[(.*)\\] \\[(.*)\\] (\\[client (.*)\\] )*((?!\\[client ).*)(, referer: (.*))*$|U",
            "match": {
                "Date"     : 1,
                "IP"       : 4,
                "Log"      : 5,
                "Severity" : 2,
                "Referer"  : 7
            "types": {
                "Date"     : "date:H:i:s",
                "IP"       : "ip:http",
                "Log"      : "pre",
                "Severity" : "badge:severity",
                "Referer"  : "link"
            "exclude": {
                "Log": ["\/PHP Stack trace:\/", "\/PHP *[0-9]*\\. \/"]


This folder, its sub-folders and inner files have to be readable and crossable by the webserver user.

No warning is thrown if the webserver user cannot have access to a file or a folder.


"USER_CONFIGURATION_DIR" : "config.user.d"

Version 1.2 released

31 August 2014

Hi folks!

This new version gives you the ability to sort the N last lines of your log file.

Your settings are set in the URL when you sort logs so if you bookmark the current displayed page, you should retrieve exactly the same display when loading the bookmark.

You can also decide to sort logs by default. Just add the sort and the order parameters in your configuration file.


Sorting is not performed on the whole file but only with the N last lines !

Here is a config.user.json sample:

"files": {
    "apache1": {
        "display" : "Apache Error #1",
        "path"    : "\/var\/log\/apache2\/error.log",
        "thinit"  : [ "Log" , "Severity" ],
        "sort"    : "Log",
        "order"   : -1,
        "format"  : {
            "type" : "HTTPD 2.2",
            "regex": "|^\\[(.*)\\] \\[(.*)\\] (\\[client (.*)\\] )*((?!\\[client ).*)(, referer: (.*))*$|U",
            "match": {
                "Date"     : 1,
                "IP"       : 4,
                "Log"      : 5,
                "Severity" : 2,
                "Referer"  : 7

Version 1.1.1 released

25 July 2014

Hi folks!

This new version gives you the ability to show and hide columns on runtime.

Your settings are set in the URL when you show/hide columns so if you bookmark the current displayed page, you should retrieve exactly the same display when loading the bookmark.

You can also decide to hide some columns by default. Just add the thinit in your configuration file.

Here is a config.user.json sample:

"files": {
    "apache1": {
        "display" : "Apache Error #1",
        "path"    : "\/var\/log\/apache2\/error.log",
        "thinit"  : [ "Log" , "Severity" ],
        "format"  : {
            "type" : "HTTPD 2.2",
            "regex": "|^\\[(.*)\\] \\[(.*)\\] (\\[client (.*)\\] )*((?!\\[client ).*)(, referer: (.*))*$|U",
            "match": {
                "Date"     : 1,
                "IP"       : 4,
                "Log"      : 5,
                "Severity" : 2,
                "Referer"  : 7

Version 1.1 released

14 July 2014

Hi folks!

long time no see!

Version 1.1 is finally released with a useful feature when working on large set of logs : Markers. Click on the date and the line will be marked during your current session. Go to the settings and click on the clear markers button to clear all current markers.

This version also adds a new language : portugese do brasil tribute to FIFA 2014.

It finally adds a better support for copy/paste rows and especially for Firefox users.